Paper Quilling will not meet today, but it will meet for our last session NEXT THURSDAY - please return your quilling supplies by then. The Ping Pong Club will meet today 12/12 from 2:15 to 3:00 in Mrs. Mahoney's room, 307. The Art Dept. will be hosting an OPEN STUDIO after school today. MAC will meet after school today in room 412. All are welcome!
10 days ago, Blake Middle School
today's events
Reminder to Paper Quilling Club our last session will meet tomorrow 12/12 after school. Remember to bring your supplies and if you can't make it - please return your quilling boards to Mrs. Heim by Friday.
11 days ago, Blake Middle School
paper quilling
Let's bring our kindness to the Upham House! In advisory you will be filling a bag for a resident at the Upham House with toiletries like toothbrushes, lotion, small packs of tissues, cotton swabs, wet wipes, deodorant and these are just a few ideas. Fill the bag, decorate it, write nice notes inside and bring to Mrs. Gumas by 12/18.
11 days ago, Blake Middle School
Kindness Club
Student Council is canceled this afternoon. We will reschedule our all council meeting for next week Wednesday December 18th.
11 days ago, Blake Middle School
Student Council
The Ping Pong Club will meet today 12/5 from 2:15 to 3:00 in Mrs. Mahoney's room, 307. The Art Dept. will be hosting an OPEN STUDIO after school today.
17 days ago, Blake Middle School
today's events
There will be a Student Council Officer and E-Board Meeting after school on Wednesday 12/4 in Mrs. Shaw's room. The next all-council meeting will be Wednesday 12/11.
20 days ago, Blake Middle School
Student Council
Jazz Choir meets after school today 12/2!
20 days ago, Blake Middle School
Jazz Choir
Reminder: Jazz Choir is CANCELLED for today!
27 days ago, Blake Middle School
Jazz Choir
Attention 8th graders- there is a school dance tonight from 7-9 in the Blake gym! The cost is $20. Please be sure you have turned in your signed contract.
30 days ago, Blake Middle School
There will be an all council Student Council meeting after school Wednesday 11/20 in Mrs. Shaw's room.
about 1 month ago, Blake Middle School
Student Council
The yearbook is hosting our annual yearbook cover design contest! If you are interested, ask your advisory teacher or see Mrs. Heim for the design . Entries are due before Thanksgiving break.
about 1 month ago, Blake Middle School
There will be a meeting for any 8th graders interested in playing girls Middle School basketball today 11/18 after school in Mrs. Kearney's room (402). You will miss your bus. There will be a meeting for all 8th grade boys interested in playing Boys Basketball at Blake on Thursday 11/21 in the AUDITORIUM at 7:25 am before school.
about 1 month ago, Blake Middle School
Attention 8th graders- there is a school dance this Friday 11/22 from 7-9 in the Blake gym! The cost is $20. Please turned in your signed dance contract to Mrs. Shaw ASAP.
about 1 month ago, Blake Middle School
Come see The Fall Musical CURTAINS this weekend! There are 3 performances - two on Saturday, 11/16 and one on Sunday, 11/17 at 3:00 PM. Tickets are available at the door or can be purchased in advance by scanning the QR code found on posters outside the auditorium and around the school. The admission rate is $10 for Students and Seniors and $12 for all others.
about 1 month ago, Blake Middle School
Blake is looking for students to be a part of the Blake Blood Drive Committee. The committee will run Mondays, starting November 18th right after school in Mrs. McClelland's room. Anyone is welcome to join! If you have any questions please reach out to Mrs. McClelland.
about 1 month ago, Blake Middle School
blood drive
There will be a meeting for any students interested in playing girls Middle School basketball Monday 11/18 after school in Mrs. Kearney's room (402). You will miss your bus. Please let Mrs. Kearney know if you are interested but cannot make the meeting.
about 1 month ago, Blake Middle School
girls basketball
The Ping Pong Club will meet today 11/14 from 2:15 to 3:00 in Mrs. Mahoney's room, 307. The Art Dept. will be hosting an OPEN STUDIO after school today. Blake's Multicultural Awareness Club, MAC, will meet today after school in room 412. ALL ARE WELCOME!
about 1 month ago, Blake Middle School
today's events
Blake's Multicultural Awareness Club, MAC, will meet tomorrow 11/14 after school in room 412. ALL ARE WELCOME!
about 1 month ago, Blake Middle School
There will be a Student Council officer/e-board meeting after school today 11/13 in Mrs. Shaw's room until 2:45. The next all-council meeting will be Wednesday 11/20. Chess Club will meet for the last time today after school at 2:07 in Room 205.
about 1 month ago, Blake Middle School
Come see The Fall Musical CURTAINS this weekend - there are 3 performances - two on Saturday, November 16th and one on Sunday, November 17th at 3:00 PM. Tickets are available at the door or can be purchased in advance by scanning the QR code found on posters outside the auditorium and around the school. The admission rate is $10 for Students and Seniors and $12 for all others.
about 1 month ago, Blake Middle School