Breaking News

Picture Retake Day - Tuesday, 11/8

Students who were absent on the original photo day and those students who want retakes will have the opportunity to have their pictures taken on Tuesday, 11/8. If your student is having a retake done please be sure to bring back the original picture package; the photographer will need the original photos before proceeding with new pictures.
Borrowed Chromebooks
We are asking all families to double check at home to make sure that students have their assigned chromebooks. If your student has a borrowed chromebook (normally there will be a numbered pink sticker on it), please have them return it to the LMC on Tuesday.
Chromebooks - Charging
The expectation for our students is that they bring their chromebooks fully charged every day. We do have a limited number of replacement chromebooks in the LMC, but these are reserved for broken devices. We appreciate your support in helping to establish the routine at home with our students.
Candy and Lollipops
With Halloween now past, we have been noticing an increased trend of students bringing in candies and bags of lollipops to be shared with other students. With concerns about allergens and the increased amount of litter (sticks, wrappers left on the floor), we are asking that all students refrain from bringing these items to school.
Notification for Absences/Dismissals
If a student will be absent from school, please call Blake's absence line at (508) 242-8501. If a student needs to be dismissed from school before 2:07 p.m., an e-mail must be sent by the parent/guardian to Please include the following information:

  • Date
  • Time of dismissal
  • Student name
  • Reason for dismissal
  • Person picking up

If you have a last minute dismissal that your student is not aware of, please call the main office at (508) 359-2396 in addition to providing the written notice in order to assure that we get it in time.