December 2, 2021
On Wednesday, December 1, 2021, a webinar for families of incoming kindergarten children was held. Topics included information about our programs (FDK & HDK), the registration pr...

July 14, 2021
Looking for some fun and easy things to do to help prepare your child for their transition into kindergarten? Click here for the Kindergarten Fun newsletter. Included are some gr...

June 8, 2021
On Monday, June 7th, a Kindergarten Transition Parent Webinar was held for our incoming Kindergarten families. Several of our Kindergarten staff members along with our PTO...

December 3, 2020
Winter break will be here before we know it and we have started to plan for our holiday parties. On December 21st and 22nd, classes will be holding in-person celebrations. Due t...

February 25, 2020
Monday, March 2nd - Friday, March 6th
Here’s what you can look forward to:
Monday: All students will watch our kick-off video to learn about what we’re celebrat...
January 29, 2020
The following presentation was shared at the Principal’s Coffee on Monday regarding trauma and behavior. Thanks to our school psychologist and BCBA (Pam Forrester and Katie Arie...

January 24, 2020
On Monday, January 27th at 9 AM in the Memorial Library, we will be hosting our 2nd Principal’s Coffee of the school year. School Psychologist, Pam Forrester and Board Certified B...

December 5, 2019
If you were unable to attend the parent presentation or would like to hear it again, please click here to access the slide show accompanied by audio.

November 12, 2019
Incoming Kindergarten Parent Information Night
In an effort to help families prepare for the transition into kindergarten, we will be holding an informational meeting for par...

October 17, 2019
Thursday, October 31st
If you are planning to come to the Halloween Parade (and we hope that you are!), the parade times are listed below along with more information re...

October 17, 2019
Over the course of this school year, students at Memorial School will start learning about different aspects of digital citizenship. Anne Farrahar, Library Media Specialist, and M...
September 13, 2019
Did you know that the Memorial School is a Choose To Be Nice School?
Choose To Be Nice is a program founded by Dina Creiger that focuses on the importance of kindness and carin...
September 12, 2019
Please click here to see to view the Memorial Weekly Email for the week of September 12, 2019.

September 4, 2019
Parent Information Night (PIN) will be held at the Memorial School on Tuesday, September 17th. For our returning families, please make note of the following schedule as our struc...

August 30, 2019
Last year, MCPE awarded the Memorial School with a generous grant that allowed us to purchase two new sensory paths for the Memorial School. The paths allow our students to take ...

August 21, 2019
Thank you to New N'Towne for hosting their 9th annual popsicle party for our incoming kindergarten students! The weather was perfect (hot and humid) for a delicious treat followe...

August 21, 2019
On Tuesday, August 21st, incoming Kindergarten students attended the Memorial School Bus Orientation. Topics such as bus routes/stops, expectations for meeting the bus at the end...