The Dale Street Blog ( has been updated. Additionally, please be sure to check out the updated Community Postings page (
about 5 years ago, Steve Grenham
Tomorrow, 12/10 is an early release day at Dale Street with dismissal at 11:40 a.m. Please be sure to update your child's dismissal plans in School Dismissal Manager.
about 5 years ago, Steve Grenham
The Dale Street Blog ( has been updated. Additionally, please be sure to check out the updated Community Postings page (
about 5 years ago, Steve Grenham
Tomorrow, 12/5 is an early release day at Dale Street with dismissal at 11:40 a.m. Please be sure to update your child's dismissal plans in School Dismissal Manager. Also, there will be no Super Sports intramural class tomorrow. A make up class will be held on Thursday, 12/19.
about 5 years ago, Steve Grenham
Reminder - tomorrow, 11/27 is an early release day at Dale Street with dismissal at 11:40 a.m. Please be sure to update your child's dismissal plans in School Dismissal Manager. Thank you! I hope you all have a great Thanksgiving!
about 5 years ago, Steve Grenham
The Dale Street Blog ( has been updated. Additionally, please be sure to check out the updated Community Postings page (
about 5 years ago, Steve Grenham
Tomorrow, 11/22 at #beproudbedale: Chromebook Captain applications due, last day of our collection for the homeless, Comfy Day, & Math Challenge 4 due
about 5 years ago, Steve Grenham
Coming on Friday, November 22nd at Dale Street - Chromebook Captain Applications due, final day for our collection for the homeless, Spirit Day - comfy day (pj's, sweats)
about 5 years ago, Steve Grenham
The Dale Street Student Council is currently collecting mittens, hats, gloves and scarves to keep homeless adults warm this winter. There are collection bins at Dale Street until Friday, November 22nd to collect donated items.
about 5 years ago, Steve Grenham
The Dale Street Blog ( has been updated. Additionally, please be sure to check out the updated Community Postings page (
about 5 years ago, Steve Grenham
The Dale Street Student Council is currently collecting mittens, hats, gloves and scarves to keep homeless adults warm this winter. There are collection bins at Dale Street until November 22nd to collect donated items.
about 5 years ago, Steve Grenham
The Dale Street Student Council representatives will be collecting mittens, hats, gloves and scarves to keep homeless adults warm this winter. There will be collection bins at Dale Street from November 12th - November 22nd to collect donated items.
about 5 years ago, Steve Grenham
The Dale Street Blog ( has been updated. Additionally, please be sure to check out the updated Community Postings page (
about 5 years ago, Steve Grenham
Reminder - tomorrow, 11/8 is an early release day as staff will be participating in professional development. Please be sure to update your child's dismissal plans in School Dismissal Manager. Thank you!
about 5 years ago, Steve Grenham
Early Dismissal
Family Literacy Night at Dale Street tonight, 11/7 (6:00-7:30). The Book Fair will run from 5:30-8:00. We hope to see you there!
about 5 years ago, Steve Grenham
Literacy Night
Reminder - For those who RSVP'd, our music program's 'Students as Teachers' will take place tomorrow, 11/5 at 7:00 p.m. at the High School.
about 5 years ago, Steve Grenham
The Dale Street Blog ( has been updated. Additionally, please be sure to check out the updated Community Postings page (
about 5 years ago, Steve Grenham
Reminder that Dale Street students should come to school tomorrow (Halloween) with their 'Party in a Bag'. The cafeteria will not be selling morning snack on Thursday, 10/31.
about 5 years ago, Steve Grenham
Reminder that Dale Street students should come to school on Thursday (Halloween) with their 'Party in a Bag'. The cafeteria will not be selling morning snack on Thursday, 10/31.
about 5 years ago, Steve Grenham
Reminder that students should come to school on Thursday (Halloween) with their 'Party in a Bag'. The cafeteria will not be selling morning snack on Thursday, 10/31.
about 5 years ago, Steve Grenham