Just a reminder that we will meet over Zoom this afternoon at 3:15 p.m. for the Dale Street Site Council meeting. https://medfield-net.zoom.us/j/85497907632 Meeting ID: 854 9790 7632 Passcode: 651485
almost 3 years ago, Steve Grenham
Hello Dale Street, Here is this week's Dale Street Blog (http://dalestreetschool.blogspot.com/). I hope everyone has a great long weekend! Mr. Grenham
almost 3 years ago, Steve Grenham
Hello Dale Street, Here is this week's Dale Street Blog (http://dalestreetschool.blogspot.com/). I hope everyone has a great weekend! Mr. Grenham
almost 3 years ago, Steve Grenham
Reminders - don’t forget to send your child with their ‘Party in a Bag’ tomorrow, 12/23. We will not be offering morning snack from the cafeteria tomorrow. Also, 12/23 is a half day and dismissal will be at 11:40 a.m. Please be sure to update your child’s School Dismissal Manager if necessary.
about 3 years ago, Steve Grenham
Reminder - Wednesday, December 22nd - Wear a festive holiday sweater!
about 3 years ago, Steve Grenham
Reminder - Tomorrow, December 21st Dale Street classes will visit Mr. Douglas' and Mrs. Flynn's classroom at a designated time and have the opportunity to purchase a trinket for themselves or someone else. All proceeds from the flea market will go the Medfield Home Committee.
about 3 years ago, Steve Grenham
Hello Dale Street, Here is this week's Dale Street Blog (http://dalestreetschool.blogspot.com/). I hope everyone has a great weekend! Mr. Grenham
about 3 years ago, Steve Grenham
Good morning Dale Street Families, Today, Tuesday, December 14th is a half day. Dismissal time is 11:40 a.m. today. I am asking that all families update your child's School Dismissal Plan and make any changes if your child will be dismissed to a location other than their default location. Thank you in advance for your cooperation. Morning snack/breakfast will be available, but lunch will not be served today.
about 3 years ago, Steve Grenham
Hello Dale Street, Here is this week's Dale Street Blog (http://dalestreetschool.blogspot.com/). I hope everyone has a great weekend! Mr. Grenham
about 3 years ago, Steve Grenham
Good afternoon Dale Street Families, Tomorrow, Thursday, December 9th is a half day. Dismissal time on a half-day is 11:40 a.m. I am asking that all families review your child's School Dismissal Plan tonight and make any changes if your child will be dismissed to a location other than their default location. Thank you in advance for your cooperation. Morning snack/breakfast will be available, but lunch will not be served tomorrow. Also, Friday (12/10), all students and staff are encouraged to wear something that shows off a winter character (Grinch, elf, Olaf, snowman, reindeer…) Have a great night, Steve
about 3 years ago, Steve Grenham
Reminder -tomorrow, 12/3/2021 is a Spirit Day at Dale Street. College Day - students and staff are encouraged to wear a shirt/sweatshirt from the college they want to go to, they like, a family member went to, or (for staff) they attended.
about 3 years ago, Steve Grenham
Reminder -Tomorrow, November 30th at 4:30 PM, the elementary principals will be hosting an Elementary Webinar for K-5 families. The webinar will be focused on the new standards-based report card and will include information about its development, provide terminology clarification and address how standards are graded. To join, please use the following link and passcode. https://medfield-net.zoom.us/j/83589051961?pwd=bHpFd1RxNnYrZ2NyQ3VKUHVMeHI4UT09 Passcode: 123738 The webinar will be recorded and shared for those families who are unable to join us or wish to review the information.
about 3 years ago, Steve Grenham
Hello Dale Street, Here is this week's Dale Street Blog (http://dalestreetschool.blogspot.com/). I hope everyone has a great weekend! Mr. Grenham
about 3 years ago, Steve Grenham
Hello Dale Street, Here is this week's Dale Street Blog (http://dalestreetschool.blogspot.com/). I hope everyone has a great weekend! Mr. Grenham
about 3 years ago, Steve Grenham
Dale Street is looking to fill 2 temporary teaching assistant openings for the next month or so. If you are interested in working at a great school with awesome students and a fantastic staff, please email me at sgrenham@email.medfield,net or call 508.359.5538 . Thank you!
about 3 years ago, Steve Grenham
Hello Dale Street, Here is this week's Dale Street Blog (http://dalestreetschool.blogspot.com/).  As a reminder, Medfield Special Town Meeting (The school project is the only agenda item) Date: Sunday, November 7,  2021 Time: 12:00 PM (check-in begins at 11:00) Place: Medfield High School.  Updated information regarding the project can be found here (https://sites.google.com/email.medfield.net/elementary-school-project/home). I hope everyone has a great weekend!   Mr. Grenham
about 3 years ago, Steve Grenham
Reminders: Disney Day tomorrow, 11/5 - Add a little bit of magic to Dale Street by dressing up as your favorite Disney character. Dale Street Principal’s Coffee tomorrow, November 5th at 8:45 a.m. - stop on in! Dale Street is collecting items for one male soldier and one female soldier. Items (toiletries, a gift card to amazon. spices, hot sauces, barbecue sauces, socks, gloves, candy, boxes of trivia games, playing cards, Kraft mac and cheese, cocoa, etc.) will be collected outside the main office through Friday, November 12th.
about 3 years ago, Steve Grenham
The Dale Street Student Council will meet tomorrow (November 2nd) after school from 3:15 p.m. - 3:50 p.m. Please be sure to update your child's School Dismissal Manager for 11/2/2021. Thanks!
about 3 years ago, Steve Grenham
Dear Dale Street Families, Here is this week's Dale Street Blog (http://dalestreetschool.blogspot.com/). I hope everyone has a safe and Happy Halloween! Mr. Grenham
about 3 years ago, Steve Grenham
Reminders - don’t forget to send your child with their ‘Party in a Bag’ tomorrow, 10/29. Also, 10/29 is a half day and dismissal will be at 11:40 a.m. Please be sure to update your child’s School Dismissal Manager if necessary.
about 3 years ago, Steve Grenham