January 25, 2021 --
Dear Medfield Families,
We have been informed that a student at Memorial, a staff member at Dale St., two students at Blake, and seven students at MHS have tested positive for COVID-19. Four of the MHS students participated with in-person classes during the infectious period, which the MA Department of Public Health has defined as 48 hours prior to the beginning of symptoms, or if asymptomatic, 48 hours prior to the test collection. In school close contacts have been notified and community contact tracing is ongoing. The other positive cases were not in school.
Due to the increased positive COVID-19 cases that have impacted several teams, we will be putting a 7-day "pause" on all athletics at Medfield High School. We will continue to monitor this situation and will consider extending this "pause" if the data reveal additional cases linked to athletics. In addition, other recent positive cases outside of athletics have involved students making poor choices while socializing outside of school. It is critical that students follow the same mitigating strategies they do in school, especially mask-wearing and appropriate physical distancing. We all have a shared responsibility to keep in-person learning happening and moving forward.
Jeff Marsden