Feb. 3rd - Feb. 28th - 2025-2026 Kindergarten Registration
Kindergarten Registration
Welcome to the 2025/2026 registration page for Kindergarten. Your child is eligible to enter kindergarten if they are five years old by or on August 31, 2025 and a resident of Medfield.
Medfield Public Schools will be offering the following kindergarten options:
AM half -day session will run from 8:00am - 11:00am and is tuition free.
Full Day session will run from 8:00am -2:35pm. The tuition is $2,750.
Kindergarten registration for the 2025-2026 school year is now open and will close on Friday, February 28th. Create your Aspen account and complete the online portion of your child's registration here: Please note that you are not full registered until all required document are received. Please mail the required documents to:
Memorial School
2025-2026 Kindergarten Registration
59 Adams Street, Medfield, Ma. 02052
or place documents in the blue drop box at the entrance of Memorial School during school hours.
Meet Dr. Bilsborough and learn about Kindergarten Registration:
See step-by-step instructions about how to register on Aspen: